Thursday, August 19, 2010

Vying for the Truth

I opened my mail this morning and in a nice handwritten envelope with a letter that began with the salutation "Dear Neighbor." It was even signed by the writer with their address located in my small surburban city. At the top of the letter was a colorful picture and a quote from Psalm 37:10-11. Then the writer asked three questions: (1) Does God really care about us?, (2) Will ware (I think she meant "war") and suffering ever end?, (3) How can I find happiness in my life? I thought, "these are all legitimate questions?" Then I was invited to call the writer if I had any questions and she left her cell phone number. Wow, it was very personal and inviting.

Enclosed with the letter was a nice 4 page brochure titled "Would You Like to Know the Truth?" So I read it, and it included the three questions mentioned above plus three additonal questions: (4) What happens to us when we die?, (5) Is there any hope for the dead?, (6) How can I pray and be heard by God?

So I read the answers to all six questions. Although they quoted and referenced the Bible, there was something askew. The verses didn't really address the questions. They were taken out of context and "plugged in" to make their case. Finally, there was no mention of humanity's separation from God by sin. There was no mention of humanity's need to be reconciled to God. There was no mention of a way to be saved from our sin. There was no mention of humanity's need for a Savior who is qualified to redeem us from our sin.

I was even invited to contact the writer of the letter and she could help me get "plugged into" a home Bible study called What Does the Bible Really Teach?

Finally, I looked at the bottom of the very last page to see who published this brochure. Just as I suspected -  it read: "Scripture quotations are from the modern language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - With References. Copyright 2008 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.

Some  of you might be asking, "so what?" Well, this is exactly what the Apostle Paul faced during his ministry. Paul would go into a city and begin teaching the gospel - first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles (non-Jews). He would face opposition and be confronted by false teachers who would try and convince the people that Paul was a heretic. Their message of "salvation" was always "works based." In other words. the person always needed to do something (i.e., keep the law, strive for perfection, follow certain rules) in order to earn their redemption. Often times, these false teachers denied either the deity or the humanity of Christ.

Jesus said, "Watch out for false prophets (teachers, italics are mine), They come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit (works, italics are mine) you will recognize them" (Matt. 7:15-16a, NIV).

If someone from the Jehovah's Wtinesses comes to your door or you receive some literature from them in the mail, please remember this brief article. You can determine whether they are "wolves" or "sheep" by asking them a few questions:

1. Who do you say that Jesus Christ is? Let them answer and then ask ...
2. Is He fully God and fully man? The Bible teaches that at His incarnation (in the flesh) Jesus was fully God and also became fully Man and forever He is the God-Man.
3. Do you believe in original sin (sin by birth inherited from the first man Adam and passed down to each succeeding generation)? Do you believe in volitional sin (sin by choice)? The Bible clearly teaches this for all humanity. However since Jesus is God He is and always will be sinless.
4. What must I do to be saved from my sin and reconciled to God? The Bible teaches that we must all confess our sin (agree with God), repent (turn from our sin), and trust in Christ as the only means for salvation (i.e., in His sinless life, shedding of His blood for our sins, death on the cross, and resurrection from the dead).

The brochure concluded with this quotation from Scripture: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). However, you must know the whole truth and nothing but the truth before you can be set free. Here is my admonition, vye for the truth and know where real truth comes from . It does not come from a cult that tries to trick people into believing a lie and masks it by having their own corrupted copy of a book that they profess to be the Bible. Vye for the truth and know what the whole of Scripture teaches and then you really "will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Press on brothers and sisters and for those who may not know Christ, I urge you to consider the truth! Your life depends on it.


  1. Indeed, the truth will set you free, as long at it is the truth. I was recently reading John 8:32 and noticed that the verse before says, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." So, the way to know the truth is to listen to Jesus. Without him, I don't think we can ever really get at the heart and fullness of the truth.

    Did you give the woman a call who sent you the letter?

  2. Austin, thanks for reminding us of the preceding verse. The Bible never contradicts itself but always clarifies what has already been written or prepares us to receive the truth in subsequent verses. By the way, I should would like one of Lauren's delicious cup cakes - maybe when we keep our little grandson again.
